Patient Information Leaflets



Introduction to Diabetes

Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) Gestational Diabetes
Your Guide to Type 2 Diabetes Your Guide to Type1 Diabetes
What is SCI-Diabetes Changes in HbA1c Reporting

Looking After Yourself and Your Treatment

Diabetes Care: Easy read guide C-Peptide Blood Test for Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 Diabetes: Support available Type 1 Diabetes: Know your numbers
Type 2 Diabetes: Easy read guide Type 2: Resources for Newly Diagnosed
Type 2 Diabetes: Education booklet for newly diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes: What care to expect when diagnosed
Type 2 Diabetes: What ongoing care to expect Type 2 Diabetes: What can I do to help my diabetes
Type 2 Diabetes: Know your numbers  
What Happens At A Diabetes Clinic Getting the most from your appointment
Healthy Eating Exercise
Smoking Alcohol
Looking After Your Eyes  
Foot Care Your Foot Risk Score: Low, Medium, High
Footstep Looking After Your Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Cholesterol High Blood Pressure
Blood Glucose (Sugar) Monitoring Continuous Glucose Monitoring 
Freestyle Libre - New starts Freestyle Libre - Change to FSL2
Insulin adjustment - Twice Daily Mixed Insulin  Basal Bolus with Analogue Basal Bolus with Isophane
Humulin R U500 (500 units per ml) Having a Hypo?
Disposal of Sharps  
Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) analogues

GLP-1 Drug Information Leaflet

GLP-1 Dietary Advice Information Leaflet

SGLT2 Inhibitors SGLT2 and Female Genital Washing Advice
SGLT2 and Male Genital Washing Advice  

If you feel Ill - Sick Day Rules

Type 1 Diabetes  Type 1 Diabetes on Insulin Pump Therapy
Type 2 Diabetes on Tablets Type 2 Diabetes on Insulin
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Covid 19 and Diabetes
Living with Diabetes
Young Adult Service - info and resources  
Family Planning and Pregnancy Erectile Dysfunction
Safe Driving  DVLA Guidance on Insulin Employment
Travel Your safe discharge from hospital
Admission to Hospital Looking After Your Feet in Hospital



Other Languages

Diabetes UK have leaflets in  Arabic, Bengali, British Sign Language, Gujarati, Polish, Punjabi, Somali, Tamil, Urdu and Welsh

British Sign Language