Professional Education

The events listed below are for staff only.  Details of events for patients can be found in the Patient Information section of the website.  If you have any events you would like included on the site please forward to


Local Diabetes MCN Events Online Diabetes Education Resources
  Other Events and Conferences



Local Diabetes MCN Forums and Conference


Diabetes MCN Conference - Tuesday 5 November 2024

Please click this link to access presentations from the Diabetes MCN Conference held at Perth Concert Hall on Tuesday 5 November.


Tayside Diabetes MCN Forums 

7.00 - 8.00pm via MS Teams - topics and further information will be published nearer the dates.

*2025 dates will be published soon*


Archive of Past Events

Click here to access presentations of past events



Online Diabetes Education Resources


  Foot Risk Awareness and Management Education (FRAME)

The online FRAME training modules explain the purpose of foot screening, demonstrate how to carry out a foot assessment and how to use the online SCI-DC foot risk tool to calculate and record foot risk score.  There is an assessment involving case scenarios at the end of the modules which the learner may opt to undertake and which, if passed, gives a certificate of completion.  To access the tool please go to note this needs to be accessed using google chrome as this site doesn't work with internet explorer.  It takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.



This short video explains foot screeening and lasts approximately 12 minutes. Click here to launch the video (Windows Media File).  If you are using Firefox as browser and experience problems in playing this video, please install this plugin: Windows Media Player plugin


Diabetes UK Continuing Professional Development

A series of on-line courses for healthcare professionals working in diabetes care.  Including Understanding Diabetes and Emotional Wellbeing.  Click here to access.



Diabetes elearning modules here covering Sensor Technology for Community Nurses, Insulin Safety: Getting it Right, Insulin Adjsutment in Type 2 diabetes, Insulin administration for healthcare support workers, Diabetes Care in Nursing Homes, Injection Technique matters.


Cambridge Diabetes Education Programme

CDEP is a competency-based online diabetes learning tool that supports all levels of healthcare practitioners demonstrate their diabetes knowledge and skills relevant to their role.  To align with the structure of diabetes competency frameworks, there are 5 levels that healthcare practitioners can register at, according to their role.  A variety of diabetes topics are available, the amount of time required depends on the level and the topics chosen, for example intermediate level contains 10-15 hours of education.  It costs £25 for registration which lasts 2 years.

More information about the levels and topics can be found here and to access the programme click here


Improving Care for People with Diabetes in Hospital


Diabetes - Think, Check, Act


As part of the Think Check Act safety programme 5 eLearning modules below are available to provide practical advice to improve the care and management of inpatients with diabetes. The module can be found within TURAS  by searching for Think Check Act.

  • Inpatient Diabetes: Covers how an admission to hospital could affect a patient’s normal diabetes care as well as blood glucose monitoring, and which patients who should be referred to the inpatient diabetes team. Completion Time: 20 minutes
  • Insulin Administration: Focuses on safe prescribing of insulin and the different modes of insulin delivery. For all healthcare staff with a responsibility for insulin prescribing and administration to ensure that the right patient receives the right type of insulin at the right dose, in the right way. Completion Time: 20 minutes
  • Intravenous Insulin: Outlines safe and appropriate use of intravenous (IV) insulin. Completion Time: 20 minutes
  • Subcutaneous Insulin: Focuses on the various forms of subcutaneous (SC) insulin and their application in clinical practice. Completion Time: 20 minutes
  • How to prevent and manage hypoglycaemia: Focuses on the correct identification, management and prevention of hypoglycaemia. Completion Time: 20 minutes


Check Protect and Refer CPR


CPR for Feet programme involves foot care checks in hospital to everyone with a diagnosis of diabetes to determine their risk of developing foot disease, and gives them the information and support that they need to reduce that risk.

  • Check - check feet on admission to hospital
  • Protect - protect the feet if there is a problem or risk of a problem
  • Refer - those with, or at risk of, a foot ulcer referred to Podiatry

Click here for training videos and  CPR for Feet: Training Manual and Resources.


An NHS Tayside Learn Pro module has been developed on CPR for Feet to understand the importance of CPR for Feet recognising patients at risk knowing how and when to refer to Podiatry.  This can be accessed in Learn Pro by searching for CPR for Feet


Diabetes on the NET

Primary Care Diabetes Society Entry Level Module Series contains 8 modules which covers the 9 processes of care recommended for good diabetes management by primary care healthcare professionals.  The modules can be found here.


BMJ Learning Website: Diabetes Mellitus Modules

Within the BMJ Learning website there are four modules which are acceptable to contribute to the LES education requirements:

Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 - diagnosis and evaluation (counts for 20 minutes)

  • Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 an update on management (counts for 40 minutes)
  • Diabetic Foot diagnostic picture tests (counts for 50 minutes)
  • Hypoglycaemia diagnosis and management (counts for 30 minutes)


Diabetic Ketoacidosis

University of Dundee interactive tutorial on DKA where you will be asked to make decisions about the management of a patient.  Click here to launch the tutorial.


Emotion Matters


Emotion Matters is an online module within TURAS or available from here  The aim of this resource is to increase understanding and awareness of the psychosocial implications of living with a long term condition as well as provide some skills that will enable holistic, collaborative and person centred care. 


The MAP of Health Behaviour Change


This module is for health and social care professionals whose role involves helping people to make positive health and lifestule related changes.  It provides a guide to structure your behaviour change convversations (the MAP model) and evidence-based behaviour change techniques (BCTs) which help people make the change.  It can be found within TURAS.


Other Events and Conferences


Diabetes UK Professional Conference 26-28 February 2025, SEC Glasgow 

Diabetes in Pregnancy UK Conference, Tuesday 11 November 2025, online