Tayside Diabetes MCN Handbook

The Tayside Diabetes Handbook serves as the on-line reference manual for all healthcare professionals involved in the care and management of people with diabetes in Tayside. It contains locally developed guidelines, protocols, information and clinical advice based on the SIGN 116 Guideline and other relevant clinical and research evidence.   

The Handbook is maintained as a resource for the clinicians of Tayside and the Tayside Diabetes Clinical Network can take no responsibility for its use by others.

The guidelines in this document are advisory and are not intended as rules and regulations for diabetes care. The management of a particular patient should be decided upon by the practitioner responsible and should reflect the circumstances and needs of the individual.


Following the St Vincent declaration (1989) and the SIGN Guidelines (2010) for the care of people with diabetes in Scotland, the members of the Tayside Diabetes Managed Clinical Network believe that the healthcare of people with diabetes in Tayside should include:

  • yearly checks of eyes and vision, kidney function, feet and general well-being
  • assessment of risk factors for heart disease such as blood pressure, cholesterol and smoking habits
  • assistance with self monitoring and injection techniques
  • eating and lifestyle advice
  • regular review of progress and treatment
  • continuing education


The prevalence of diabetes in Tayside at 31/03/2016 was 5.4% (n=22581) with 1491 new cases diagnosed during 2015, an incidence of 0.38%. 95.7% of these are Type 2 Diabetes. 

Diabetic patienst display:

  • a 2-4 fold risk of developing heart disease
  • a 17 fold increase in risk of renal failure
  • a 25 fold increase in the risk of blindness
  • a 14 fold increase in risk of amputation
  • a reduced life expectancy of between 8 and 10 years in those who develop type 2 diabetes between the ages of 40-50


The Managed Clinical Network has an obligation to ensure the quality and relevance of the information contained in this document if it is to remain a reliable source of reference for all health professionals caring for patients with diabetes in Tayside.  Outlined below is our procedure for updating the handbook and identify the individuals with key responsibility for meeting this requirement. Where the handbook is used outwith Tayside, responsibility for maintenance lies with the local clinical Team.  A specific advantage of using website technology to share information is the potential to respond to change in a dynamic way.


Update Mechanism

Responsibility for reviewing the Handbook lies with the MCN Lead Clinician, tay.diabetesmcn@nhs.scot 

A formal process of revision/updating of the entire Handbook will be undertaken on a two yearly basis as a rolling programme. In addition, in the light of new evidence or developments, the following procedure will be followed whenever a possible change is identified.

  • Submissions will be considered from anyone involved with the care of patients with diabetes in Tayside and should be forwarded to tay.diabetesmcn@nhs.scot 
  • All proposed updates or additions will be submitted to the MCN Lead Clinician, tay.diabetesmcn@nhs.scot
  •  for consideration and agreement.
  • Upon agreement of any changes the handbook will be updated.
  • The manager/administrator will maintain a log of all updates.

Last update: February 2017.  Uncontrolled when printed.