This page is for people who attend NHS Tayside Specialist Diabetes Clinics who are seeking NHS Tayside-funded Freestyle Libre use. 

If your child attends the Paediatric Diabetes Specialist Service then the Paediatric Diabetes Team will discuss access to Libre with you at your clinic appointment.

If you attend the Adult Specialist Diabetes Service, please follow the steps outlined below.

See here for information about change from Freestyle Libre to Freestyle Libre2.

1. Eligibility Criteria

The criteria are that Flash Glucose Monitoring should be considered in people with diabetes who:

  • Use intensive insulin therapy - this is multiple (typically 4 or 5) daily injections or insulin pump therapy
  • Undertake the Libre Academy Course – an online training course
  • Attend a locally provided Flash Glucose Monitoring education session - due to Coronavirus these group education sessions have been suspended until further notice and individual access put in place, please read below
  • Agree to scan glucose levels no less than six times per day
  • Agree to share glucose data with their diabetes clinic
  • Have attended a recognised diabetes structured education programme and/or clinical team are satisfied that the person (or carer) has required knowledge/skills to self-manage diabetes.


2.  How to access Freestyle Libre

If you would like to start on Freestyle Libre speak with your specialist diabetes team at your next diabetes clinic appointment. They will provide you with the information on accessing the education session.


3.  What happens next?

Once you have attended the education session a letter will be sent to your GP recommending prescription of Freestyle Libre Sensors


4.  Once you start using Freestyle Libre


Download the Librelink App on your phone

Download the LibreLink App on your phone (click the image below to be taken to Abbott's website for further information) and create an account.  If you don't have an android phone or iPhone 7 or above, please still sign up to LibreView as you can use this with the provided Libre Reader.

IMPORTANT:  The account you create on Librelink is also how you log in to Libreview (the webpage to review your glucose results). 

*iPhone 7 and above only (must have most recent iOS update installed)


   How to set up Libreview on a phone and link it to the Tayside Diabetes Clinic.

  1. Check if phone is compatible using the link below.

  1. If compatible download the LibreLink App and register as a new account.
  2. Visit the website and log in using the same user name and password as in the LibreLink App.
  3. Once on the page click the 3 bars at the top right of the screen and then click on Account settings, then select my practice then search either “Tayside diabetes clinic” or “07715018” into the practice ID box. Click Add.
  4. Your LibreLink results from your phone will now be able to be seen by your health care professional team at times of virtual review.


5. Problem Solving

 If you are having technical problems with your Libre (sensors falling off early / inaccurate sensors etc.) please contact Abbott Customer Care:  0800 170 1177 - your GP / Diabetes team/clinic cannot help with these matters.



6. Other Useful Information

Freestyle Libre Academy



Click on the image below to view instructional videos from the manufacturers website - viewing these videos is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for people who have never used / applied a Libre sensor before.