As part of Implementing the Framework for Type 2 Diabetes Prevention, Early Detection and Early Intervention pathways and resources are being implemented to support people identified as being at risk of Type 2 diabetes.
Oviva Diabetes Prevention Progrogramme Referral Pathway

click here to view full size pdf of the pathway with active links
Who to Refer
- People with Pre-diabetes (HbA1c 42-47.9mmol/mol) or a history of Gestational Diabetes
- Suggested age range 18-70
- People who are motivated to lose weight, prevent Type 2 diabetes and are able to engage in a programme delivered via smartphone app or telephone
Who Not to Refer
The following conditions are unsuitable:
- Severe and untreated mental health condition
- Currently experiencing bulimia nervosa
- Drug and/or alcohol dependence that would impair ability to adhere to the programme
- Severe, unsupported learning disabilities or learning difficulties which impair ability to adhere to the programme
- Pregnant or planning a pregnancy in the near future.
Clinicians should consider whether people aged over 70 would benefit, as age of onset is inversley related to disease progression, complications and survival.
How to Refer
People can self refer onto the Oviva Diabetes Prevent programme using this link:
People with Pre-diabetes must provide their most recent HbA1c (and date of test) during the self referral sign up process. People with history of GDM do not need to provide an up to date HbA1c, though annual monitoring of HbA1c is indicated.
Healthcare Professionals can make referrals via SCI-Gateway to the Tayside Adult Weight Management Service, who will provide the self referral details to the person. The referral should specifically request the Oviva Diabetes Prevention Programme and include the individuals's most recent HbA1c (if pre-diabetes), weight, height, BMI and any relevant medical history.
More details and patient information can be found here Oviva Diabetes Prevention Pathway
Alternative to Referral
Individuals who would like more information on how to reduce their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes may find the following useful:
NB At the point of diagnosis, people newly diagnosed with pre-diabetes are written to by the Directorate of Public Health, offering them the opportunity to self refer to an alternative diabetes prevention programme (through Second Nature).
Useful Resources
For patients
For healthcare professionals
- a step-by-step guide on initiating brief conversations about weight management with adults can be accessed here: Let’s Talk About Weight
- The MAP of Health Behaviour Change is a module for health and social care professionals whose role involves helping people to make positive health and lifestyle related changes. It can be found within TURAS.
- To support conversations about physical activity with people with diabetes and other long term conditions the Moving Medicine Website is a helpful resource
Second Nature Diabetes Prevention Progrogramme Self Referral Pathway
click here to open a full size pdf of pathway with active links
click here for letter and patient information leaflet from Public Health